Every night, this happens at my house
Unfortunately, now that I am in the regular habit of giving the cats tuna, they think
any time I'm in the kitchen, it's time for tuna. Including first thing in the morning, while I'm making my dinner, or 10 minutes
after they had tuna.
Last night I got video.
Go watch.Please keep in mind that none of these cats are normally vocal
at all.
And this video is hilarious because you can see just how uneasy the Kitten is with the other cats. Poor girl - they're not out to get her, but she just doesn't understand that! I put her up on the counter to eat because she's rooming with two formerly unowned cats. They scarf down their tuna in about 30 seconds and move onto hers while she watches helplessly.
Loud background noise - new fridge. Super loud. Needs a new fan. Yay.