I am SO over this weather. It's 58 right now. It was like 53 this morning.
Waaaay too cold for here. My hands and feet are so cold. Mew.
I know that for y'all up north, this is warm.. But I'm just not used to it. I just.. aggh.. When you get home and it's cold like this, you just don't want to do anything but snuggle under the blankets.
The cats agree: I had to nudge Kitten & Fluffers to go out this morning. And Elliot just stays in bed, curled up on a fleece blanket.
Kitten has been really, um, nice lately. It's weird. I was petting her last night at length and she was actually purring. I guess she just needed her ass kicked a couple of times by the cats outside to appreciate my kindness.