Miami heat's on fire
So, yeah, the heat sure has kicked in.
I was driving to work today when the song "Bojangles" by Pit Bull came on. Or is it Pitbull? Anyway, he changed the lyrics of it from "lick it, lick it" to "dribble, dribble" once the Heat got to, uh, the World Cup or whatever they have. He changed his sex-oriented song to be about basketball. Okay.
Anyway, so that got me to thinking about the fact that our sports team is named the Miami Heat. That should tell you something about our summers, right? Los Angeles has the Raiders (raiders are scary, right?) and Minnesota has the Vikings (they plundered! that's scary!). Chicago has the Bears.. and while bears are quite cute and resemble dogs, they also can eat people (scary!). Toronto has the Ma.. uh.. wait, this doesn't quite support my idea, so nevermind. But, yeah, Miami has the HEAT. And it's THAT HEAT that I get to drive around in all day, wear jeans in all day, jog in, work out in.. WITH NO AIR CONDITIONING!
I actually don't mind so much usually.. strangely, it doesn't bother me so much while working out or anything. And we still turn the air conditioning off at night and I'm dependent upon a window and cyclone-strong ceiling fan to make the air sleepable. But it's driving-in-work-clothes stuff is enough to make me road rage at a simmering pace each time I get a red light.
Someone wrote me to see if they could use my
White Trash Bride picture of my sister in a book they're putting out next year. Of course I said yes, but I have to get my sister to agree.
I'll get a copy of the book as compensation. Hehe.
Hmm, okay, I think it's time to wash all this sand off!