Who knew?
So yeah, on Monday night, I jumped rope.
Today I am so sore that I can hardly move, and in weird places I'm not used to.. muscles in my back.. my calves.. the backs of my arms. ???
I was really confused at first - what did we do on Saturday that caused this? Nothing out of the ordinary.. hmm... Was it that tough run Sunday night? No, couldn't have been. Which leaves the jumping rope.
I'm really amazed at how, well, bad I am at it right now. I haven't done it since I was, oh, 10? I spent half of the 45 minutes smacking myself in the face with the rope, tripping over it.... I skipped in place, then I went around the block while jumping. When you're used to jogging instead, jumping rope down the street feels incredibly
So despite how much time I spent recovering from my mishaps, it apparently was still a very good workout. Time to hobble off to beach boot camp now... Although it's 96 with humidity right now. I don't know if it's such a good idea to work out in that. I guess we'll see.