"A zoo has fired an animal handler after a rare tiger had to be fatally shot when it escaped from its unlatched holding cell...
"Enshala, a 200-pound Sumatran tiger, escaped from her night enclosure at Lowry Park Zoo on Tuesday and was trying to scale a 7-foot wall when she was killed with a shotgun by zoo president Lex Salisbury...
"Enshala was born at the zoo and spent most of her life there."
I realize that even tigers born in captivity are still animals to be treated with a great deal of respect. Only one generation out of the wild, you cannot and should not confuse them with our little domesticated cats.
At the same time, Jesus.. she was born in and lived in captivity for 14 years. She wasn't a "threat" because she was trying to scale a wall. There was no reason to kill her.
This kind of thing really pisses me off. Or like when that one pet tiger was shot a few months ago. It had killed its owner.. its owner who thought it was a good idea to keep a goddamn tiger as a pet.. I understand when they put down dogs when they've killed a person, but a tiger is not analagous to a dog. A tiger that kills a person is not a bad seed; it's simply a tiger.
And back to Enshala.. from what I've read, she didn't try to hurt anyone. So why jump straight for the gun? Again, grr.
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