Charlotte's Web is coming out
And I swear, even the movie trailers piss me off.
I guess I just really don't understand people.
We all love an escape story. You know, you hear about a cow or a pig that escaped off the slaughterhouse truck. It gets caught, sent back to the slaughterhouse. Meanwhile, the media has picked up on the story and the public is in an uproar – let that brave animal live!
Then John Q. Public goes back to eating his cheeseburger, not giving a thought to the fact that it could very well be Queenie’s brother on his plate. At the least, it is another creature that is just as feeling, whose life is just as important to him as Queenie’s was to her.
So this
Charlotte’s Web, it makes me think along the same lines. It makes me think of how horribly ignorant people are about their meat, and if not ignorant, then damned uncaring. And how little sense it makes to root for one pig when millions and millions die in our slaughterhouses each year.
The trailers just piss me off. Most of the people involved with the movie eat meat (this seems like greedy capitalization, if you ask me) and most people who will see it and be so touched by it eat meat.. Makes no sense. Arrrr.
A link: