It's that time of year again...
The time to pick out a Mother's Day card.
I went over to the grocery store earlier to buy my first copy of the Sunday
New York Times in months (I think today I officially entered the realm of "too much free time"), and I figured I should probably get a card since Mother's Day is coming up in a mere week.
Here's the dilemma: None of the cards really apply. There are the "Thank you for being my best friend" variety of cards.. umm, no. There are the "Thank you for being such a great mom" types... uhh, that's a "no" too. "You were always there for me." No. There are the "You were the best when I was growing up" types of cards... uhhhhh, yeah, no. So my task is to find a card that isn't
dishonest, but isn't so devoid of feeling that it makes her feel bad. After all, I'm 30. It's been a long time since childhood, so I try to not be angry at what a disinterested mother she was, or how much she yelled. These days, we don't talk much, but when we do, she's nice to me. She hopes good things for me.
I eventually found a card that had Piglet from Pooh on it, and it said to enjoy her day, hoping it was full of little pleasures or something. That works.
The whole time I was browsing through and rejecting cards, I was thinking how I hope my kids don't find it this hard to pick out a Mother's Day card. I hope I'm the kind of mom that inspires the mush.