Hellooo there
Still fostering cats, but we're down to 5 kittens and ALL of them will be in their new homes by the end of the weekend. Woo! Check out the website:
Took a few pics last week for our friends Brian & Marcy. The boy is at an age where he won't look at the camera. Not even for a second. Won't stay still. Not for my silly faces or noises or NOTHIN' so the lovely botanical garden we visited was wasted, but I did get some nice pics of them in their own yard. A few. Here are two:

Not much going on here. Got some business cards. My site is up. My blog is up. Got turned down by my preferred pet store for putting promo materials in their store, but they would like my card as people ask them about pet photographers often. (Yay 500 cards for $15, Overnight Prints!)
Ummmmm. yeah. That's about it then? I gotta go do litterboxes and cry about my 8 kittens that are gone tonight...!