kamille wouldn't let me wake him up (she's not even his mom! apparently she doesn't know about the just-keep-'em-alive rule when it comes to aunts), so i had to go take pictures of him and try my best to "accidentally" be loud. he slept through it, though. you can tell he's related.
this is kyle and me, during one of our few waking-in-common moments.
he wouldn't look at the camera for anything.
he has a very pretty little face. i love the nose part! and i really thought dooce was goofy when she said she wanted to eat her leta's cheeks, but i found it hard to keep my mouth off his.. despite all that drool. :)
he's a very smiley little fella.
it makes me pretty sad that i won't know kyle well.. i have just one other n-person (niece/nephew), and she and i are buds.. maybe kelli and her little family will come to florida sometime, though, and i can be the aunt that takes him to the ocean.. rather than the aunt who comes to wisconsin and sniffles a lot and complains that it's cold. let's hope. :)