I am so re-doing my bedroom.
As I used to work for them, and like to stay in touch with my Wisconsin roots, I still receive
The Company Store catalog. As I am no longer recipient of a 45% discount, I tend to not shop with them anymore, unless one of my sisters has a new baby that is in need of a $93 personalized comforter.
So anyway, the last issue I got had this absolutely
beautiful bedroom set in it and I am now figuring out how to afford all these lovely accessories. Sheets, pillowcases, quilt, rug, wallborder.. And roughly 500 little stuffed kitties to hang on my wall.
http://www.thecompanystore.com/parent.asp?product=CR65x&dept%5Fid=5001Seriously, can you imagine? If I did it, I'd have to go to bars and pick guys up just to see the looks on their face when I opened the door to my lair... :D