So my last two evenings were devoted entirely to algebra. I have a test tonight and really, really want to do well on it. I did a practice test last night in the book.. I got a lot of it. Some I still didn’t.
It’s insanely frustrating to not get this. It’s tough on the ego, to feel so stupid.
I really don’t get why I’m
so bad at the math. I mean, I’m not a stupid
person. So why is this one subject so hard for me? Why is solving every problem a challenge…? Then when I figure it all out, I can’t remember what to do for the test anyhow.
But I have to finish this class – and two more after (three actually, but only two in the immediate future), so I have to keep at it.
Anyway, so that’s all I’ve been doing.
May I state, also, that Chris is a dear? Well, he is. Last night, he sat patiently beside me and explained (and re-explained) the things I had questions on. He laughed at one point and recalled how his dad used to sit by him for hours as he worked on his math homework, in case he had a question. That his dad would be falling asleep but still sat with him. How incredibly cute is that? And not surprising at all; Chris had to learn this patience and dedication from
I'm figuring out this summer's schedule. I'm taking College Algebra and Math for Liberal Arts I simultaneously throughout the whole summer. My other options for the mini terms at the first and second parts of the summer are: Philosophy, Developmental Psychology, and American Lit I
or American Lit II. I'd like to take all three, but I.. ya know, value my sanity and all. So I have to figure it out.