It keeps raining and raining and raining...
All damn day. We're trying to get ready for Bimini.. I was going to load the scuba stuff on the boat while Chris was at work. But I tried to wait out the rain and the end never came.
I did get the food. I got a new regulator - $250! That was just about the cheapest one the had, but I lucked out and at least it JUST went on sale from $450. It even rang up as $450. It seems a lot more solid than my last one, so maybe this one won't go kaput from one little dive of death at Gordon's Rocks. I got ice. I got everything together. But it's all sitting by the door, waiting to be toted to the boat... Rain, rain, go away!
Talked to my sis today. She's excited about GIVING BIRTH to a NEW PERSON on Friday. Yay! :)
I went to WFM today and ran into the store manager, who had adopted one of Oreo's kittens. I asked how he was... When he was a baby, he was a PITA, apparently. LOVED the dog and, well, the feeling wasn't mutual. So I asked how the kitten was doing. "The same," he started. "I'm sorry!" I said. I decided to not show him the fresh scratch on my arm from Oreo. Oreo & Kitten have been fighting A LOT lately... Nowadays it's Kitten's turn to instigate. So before I left to go shopping, I flushed Kitten out of the bedroom with a treat and set Oreo on the bed. I said, out loud, "See how much I love you? I got Kitten out of the bedroom so you could have it to yourself!" And then I reached out to pet her. She swiped at me and drew blood. Is it possible that
that is the way she shows appreciation? Yeah, probably not. I do hope this guy's cat is a bit better behaved, at least.
Being summoned to the garage......