agh, i just wrote this post and went to copy it so i could paste it into this window and it disappeared! that's the worst, i swear.
anyway. so chris was in texas this weekend to visit his friend in the hospital. this friend is the reason i took the pics of gretchey in a dress. the friend, see, really loves gretchey (who doesn't?) and i thought it would cheer her up some to get some new pictures. she apparently did like the pictures, but thought that putting gretchey in a dress was "sick!" i have to agree, but i also have to point out that it's awfully cute. :)
i teased chris a lot before he left about leaving me. you know, how could he? for two whole days? we've actually spent very little time apart since we met. he went to orlando overnight once, and to philly for a conference for a couple of days, and that's about it. but in reality, i didn't think it was such a big deal. the dogs and i were fine... we ordered pizza hut, which chris hates... and the dogs love. i let them have a piece each, which is something i wouldn't do with chris here since he would probably kick me out if i did. but anyway, it wasn't a huge deal. also, i got room in the bed for once.. see, the dogs know i'm the sucker so they sleep on my side. i have to kinda position myself around them. last night, though, i got chris's whole side! :D
then tonight chris got home, pretty late. i went out to the driveway to meet him and gave him a hug and realized, damn, it was nice to have him back. then i gave him about a dozen more hugs. and to think, he was only gone since yesterday morning!
now i am realizing that my quickly approaching trip to wisconsin may be a little difficult. i'll be gone 10 days! 2 weekends! 10 days without ANY of my sweeties! i figure when i get home, maggie will be so happy to see me that she'll lick my face clean off. and how many hugs will i have to give chris to make me feel better after not seeing him for that long? :(