Well, here goes nothing...
Today I got brave.
http://fireflypics.weebly.com/(I have a better domain registered, but it's not forwarding yet...)
It's not much of a site... someday I want to have a cool one with a bit more of my "voice" but this will do for now, mostly because it's free. Since I have, like,
no money, I can't pour anything into this until it
makes me some money. I think my band-aid looks alright though. :)
And I'm not charging much - yet. I would have to be charging more than this to make a real business of it, but it's a start.
I put an ad on Craigslist asking for newborn and pregnant models, and I would do their photography for free. To get practice and some pictures added to my porfolio. I've had one request so far, from a pregnant lady, and one email that says that she is willing to pay me to take pics of her 5-month-old and 6-year-old. :D :D
Do I have my first paying client?! I don't even know what to make of the email. Does she mean she'll pay me
a little bit? I dunno! But it would be super cool if it that's what it means...!!!
Also, Chris's sister is an OB. I think if I got a "portfolio" put together (aka photo album with my info), she
may let me put it in the waiting room of her office. It's an idea! Hope it works! Definitely need more maternity/newborn pics for that type of thing, though.
Oh yeah - constructive criticism on the website would be welcomed. I really want to work on the opening page and all that, but writing that type of stuff is a lot harder than you would think it would be!