stacey's dancing ability, or lack thereof
I've been invited to try salsa lessons with a friend who is going to do them.
Funny thing is, I'm tempted.
Now, I am white. I am sure I dance like I'm white.
But I enjoy dancing, once I get past the
really self-conscious thing. Which is usually after drink five or so. Before that, I sit on the sidelines and watch my friends and
really wish I were out there. But I just can't do it! Unless I have a five-year-old to twirl with, anyway.
Shannon, if you're reading this - remember when we were downtown and Mambo #5 came on? And we went out and danced and, like, 30 seconds into the song, we looked at each other and said, "We're not ready for this." We had some more drinks and, when that
same song came on an hour later, we were comfortable and having fun. Pathetic, huh?
I actually signed up for a salsa class at UNAM while in Mexico, thinking that style of dance was incredibly sexy & cool when I went to the clubs. I went to the class a couple of times. I remember I was the only woman there with shaved legs. Anyway, one day the instructor told me to get something form-fitting to wear so she could see how my hips were moving, etc. "Oh, yeah, okay, where would I get something like that?" I
so never went back.
Anyway - I learned to swim last year. This is something else that makes me panic, alongside SPEAKING IN PUBLIC. Conquering 2/3 wouldn't be a bad thing. That kinda pisses me off - I would've thought the painfully self-conscious thing would've passed by now. I'm 27, for crissake.
The jury is still out on whether or not I'd be allowed to come to the weeknight class drunk or not. If so, I'm there. If not, I'll have to think about it.. :D