paris hilton totally sucks. i just gotta say that.

back in the days that i only knew of her because she was an heiress, liked to dance on tables, and wore lots of pink, i liked her. she was pretty, blonde, and seemed harmless.
let me say, for those of you who do not know, i totally love britney spears, even despite her recent tumble into the world of the white trash. (although i have to admit that i absolutely hate that she's taken to wearing fur lately. i may have to reconsider my britney stance.) she may not be all that bright - claims to practice kabballah when you know she has no idea what it is, made her child's bedroom into a nativity scene with her baby, kevin federline's progeny, as the baby jesus, and -- do i need to say this? -- married kevin federline. but i still love her. she's cute and says y'all a lot and likes cheetos.
but paris, ohmygod this woman drives me
crazy now.
#1. paris hilton perfume? please.
#2. $10k paris hilton watches? uhh.
#3. making out with unwashed greek heirs in public? i'm over it.
#4. that stupid way she poses with her stupid hip out all the time.
#5. her life consists of dressing up and shopping. and dressing up to shop. that is such a pathetically empty existence.. the fact that she probably spends two hours getting ready to go to rodeo drive and get photographed by the paparazzi makes me wonder how she doesn't realize there's more to life out there. she could be putting her money to good use, putting her time to good use.. it's really pretty sad the way that most young celebs seem to use their time and money. you know? they're rich! they could do a lot of good things.. or at least cool things.. but mostly it seems they drink starbucks and mingle with one another.
#6. she claims to be an animal lover. don't even get me started on that,
miss brings-a-kinkajou-with-you-in-public-as-an-accessory. also, she trades out her dogs like boyfriends. sad stuff.
#7. on top of all this, she's just not very cute! i used to think so, but the first time i saw her on tv, moving, i was like, ack!
#8. oh yeah, and she did that carl's jr. commercial. wtf?
so anyway, yeah, that's it. thanks for listening.