classssay lady
tonight i was at the publix. i noticed some chick with really long hair, wearing a tank top, jogging pants, and a couple of really angry-looking implants. at first glance, she very much struck me as a stripper stocking up on lunchables for a long week at the club.
then her phone rang, and the ring tone was "smack that" by aikon. you know, "smack that, all on the floor, smack that, gimme some more, smack that, 'til you get sore. my favorite line is, of course, "maybe go to my place and just kick it, like tae bo." uh. huh.
blissfully, she stopped the ringing by answering the phone: "WHASSUP, FAGGOT?"
at that moment, i wished very much that i were a boy - because she is so the kind of girl you want to take home to your parents, right? :D