i am ANGRY today
For a few reasons, including:
My Rx deductible used to be $300, I swear. But it’s like every time I go get an Rx filled, I gotta pay full price. So today I call, how much is my deductible? $550. !!! This is just for prescriptions, mind you. Medical is way more. I'm pretty sure the CT scan I got the other day will cost me a grand or so.
People can be disappointing. I honestly couldn’t imagine ANYONE I know reacting anything other than loving & accepting about someone’s sexual orientation. Apparently that was wrong. (No, I haven't come out of the closet, but I'm considering it just to see who my real peeps are.)
I have to go give my landlord a $600 check today, after work. At this rate, this place is costing me about $300 per minute I spend there. It’s inevitable, but still very frustrating, especially when I think about the grand or so I’ll owe school come August..
On the bright side, we’re going to Wisconsin on Friday. I hope the weather is good – I want to drive fast out in the country. I’ve had a hankerin’ to go on a drive a few times in the past couple of weeks, but there’s nowhere really to just drive here. We have A1A, I guess, but it doesn’t get peaceful until you get a bit further north.
Also, I haven't had a headache since I went to the doctor, and have only used two headache-preventative pills! (Thank god, considering my deductible...)