There are some really sad, gullible people out there..
I have used this site,, forever. You can track your exercise, what you're eating (you can even put in your own, custom foods), your weight.. You can set goals for yourself and it tells you what you have to do to get there. It's quite cool.
Anyway, today I log in and the three ads on the side say this:
LOSE 20 POUNDS IN THREE WEEKS: AMAZING CHINESE WEIGHT LOSS FAT BURNING SECRET FINALLY REVEALED10 RULES OF FAT LOSS: LOSE 9 LBS EVERY 11 DAYS. LEARN THESE 10 RULES.LOSE 18 LBS IN 4 DAYS. YES, YOU HAVE READ THIS CORRECTLY, I WILL SHOW YOU HOW STEP-BY-STEP. The one that killed me was the 18 lbs in 4 days. C'mon now! Who's falling for this stuff? The sad thing is that SOMEONE IS, otherwise these ads would have no way to finance themselves.
What a very, very sad thing!