oh my god, i so did not miss this
i hadn't had to take an imitrex since i was in costa rica. in december. and that was just once or twice, which was a huge accomplishment for me. we've been wondering why the headaches have been so much better...
is it the blood pressure medicine?
is it the fact that i've basically given up on doing exerting things in the heat? the last time i tried to run with chris at, like, 11 a.m. on a hot day, we got a mile from the house and i started to panic when the sun came out... i was fine when it was overcast, but as soon as the sun came out, i foresaw my next three days stuck in bed with a headache, so that run was over.
well, whatever it is, it's working, and that makes me very happy.
i think i got cocky about it and i think i have been sloppy about taking my headache preventative at night, the topamax. you'll notice i say i
think i have been sloppy about it. i don't even know. this isn't a good sign, is it? yeah. and i was fighting a headache more or less all weekend, which officially turned into a side-of-the-head migraine last night.
imitrex was taken last night and again this morning. i spent shakespeare wondering if i was going to need to go into the bathroom to puke. wondering if maybe i should try, because it may make me feel better. imitrex always made me nauseous for a half-hour or so, but this made me feel awful from soon after i took it at 7:30 a.m. until into the afternoon...
also, i'm hungry. starving. i remember this... i was always hungry when i was having a headache. too nauseous to eat breakfast, but hungry enough to eat a real lunch (burrito!), which i rarely do, and hungry soon again afterwards, which never happens, even after a good workout.
annoying. i hate headaches. tonight, i fill the weekly pillbox. you know, the days-of-the-week thing. so i don't forget to take the topamax again.
this makes me sad, though. i don't want to take topamax forever. and, you know, i
can't. hopefully it's not a lack of topamax that gave me this headache. let's operate on that assumption.