So obviously, Chris's friends know our marital status, but the husband's brother and wife did not. While the sweet wife and I were talking, she asked me if I had kids. I'm like, "Um, we're not married." That seemed like the most appropriate response.
A while later, the husband's brother asks, in front of everyone, "So, how long have you two been married?" Chris and I looked at each other. "We're not married." Ahem. I'm like, we're not wearing rings! Then Chris, after a few seconds, said, smiling, "Someday." :) And toward that end, I pointed out to Chris how absolutely gorgeous his friend's ring is.
The kids were really cute. I didn't talk to the little-little one since he was pretty much an appendage of his parents the whole time, but the other two... I had meaningful conversations with each. The eight-year-old girl discussed manatees and sharks and jellyfish on the beach. She had me sign her Hello Kitty friendship book. The four-year-old and I talked about his school. I asked him what the favorite things he did there were. Snacktime and playground, he told me. It's good to know what you like, I said. Heh. :)
Before we left, they each gave me a hug. I wasn't expecting it, but the little girl had just woken up and looked all confused, but very much like she wanted a hug. It was super, super cute. So then I got down on my knees and little boy gave me a big hug. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy. :)