Flickr pic meme
Got this off
Shannon's blog, 'cause I thought it was cute. :)
1. Go to
Flickr (don’t sign in)
2. Type your answer in the “search” box.
3. Pick an image from the first page.
4. Copy and paste your answer.
My first name
(You do NOT want to see some of the matches on the most-interesting first page, although I was happy to note my OWN picture was on the "tags" most intersting first page!)
My relationship status
My favorite color
My celebrity crush
What I'm listening to
My favorite Disney princess
from one of my contacts, even!My favorite adult beverage
(hey, kids shouldn't drink coffee!)My dream vacation
galapagos... 2 months, baby!
When I grow up, I want to be...
(happy - in everything i do) (cop-out)
My dearest love
my family - the one i was born into (and that they've grown) and the one i've found, even those that pee on the couch EVERY GODDAMN DAYOne word to describe me
(compassionate) I was born in:
I was raised in:
Blonde or brunette?
Favorite TV show