One of those nights...
when I actually just want to go to sleep.
Most nights I am like a child and fight sleep until I end up passing out in the midst of whatever I was going to do
instead of sleep, e.g. reading.
But tonight I am TIRED and want to go to BED, but I have a paper due in the morning. :(
I didn't get to take baby pictures today. Instead, I got ready in a rush and got out of the house in time and en route decided to stop for a coffee, and at the coffee place I locked my keys in my car. So instead I got to pay $33 for a cab ride back and forth from home and had to call the lady to basically let her know I was standing her and her newborn up. :p
On the bright side, I got a 95 on that linguistics midterm (the one that I learned everything for in four hours... The "I am impressed by your command of the material" note from the teacher made me feel a little guilty) and a 93 on my English Studies one. And something like a 96 on the last paper I did for American Lit. So while I may get lots of short nights of sleep before these events or due dates, at least the payoff is satisfying.
OK, back to the paper. Blech.