New job
Today I went to apply for a census job. I saw an ad on Craigslist and then there was another in our church flyer, so I really got the point that they really did have a great need for census takers. Apparently the assignments last from 5-10 weeks and pay "competitively" which is probably somewhere around $15/hr, maybe more in South Florida although I don't know. But anyway, it's good for me since 1) I need money. Seriously. I have credit card bills to pay off again and would rather not use my student loans to do it. And 2) I need to save up for next semester's two classes as I won't be getting financial aid for those. And 3) it's short-term, so I'm not getting roped into anything I can't handle during school, and pays well for a short-time job.
Anyway, you have to take a test during the application process.
I wasn't expecting anything major, and the test pretty much met that expectation. The best part? Getting
10 right out of the
28 questions was considered a passing score. The sad part? There was a lady there re-testing as she had been "unsuccessful" at her first test (oh no, she didn't FAIL it - she was UNSUCCESSFUL at it - gotta love political correctness). I finished a little early and then was watching her and noticed that she was actually shaking, working in such a hurry and nervous. I seriously mean it was sad...
Sample questions?
A. to transport
B. to copy
C. to repeat
D. to exchange
.41 + 21.4 + 6.3 + 280 =
A. 48.49
B. 59.8
C. 308.11
D. 450So yeah. It was just a little easy. If you're looking for a flexible, decent-paying part-time job, check out the website: Also cross your fingers for me since a paycheck for even a few weeks would be a blessing. I'm still going to be substituting for that school but I don't know how much they'll be calling me for that.