why, pooping IS cool.
we always get these cool products at work people send us. usually i mean cool in the "oh my god, a new product to clutter up my shower and make me smell good!" way. but not always.
today i about spit out my tea when i walked into the break room and spotted a box of colon blow. no, really:
http://www.colonblow.com/i snatched a box and my friend snatched the other to give to her husband. i thought at first it was a joke, thinking the ingredients would be placebo-esque (the first was magnesium! aha! but then the next was was psyllium husks, damn!).
the BOX says: poopin' is cool.
i wonder if they make
super colon blow.
also, i am now writing with a colon blow pen. :) it's a crappy, though. a new pen and it writes like shit. ahh, the pun potential....